You can make a pledge payment online via paypal:
We are preparing our budget and making plans for the next service year. Please take a moment to submit your 2022-2023 pledge online here.
There are several other ways you can donate to Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship:
- Donate to VIUF by sending a check or using the online bill paying feature with your bank. Just have the bank issue a check and send it to:
Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship
PO Box 1127
Vashon, WA 98070
- Shop at Amazon Smile, select Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship as your charity, and a portion of what you spend goes to the Fellowship. (Given Amazon’s questionable business and employment policies it is difficult for many of us to support this partnership – contact the VIUF Social Justice Committee for more information).
- Shop at Vashon Thriftway or Vashon Market and turn in your receipts at our Sunday Service, and a portion of what you spend is donated to the fellowship.
- Donate items to our Sunday Markets, held several times throughout the year.
- Make a pledge of monetary support to the fellowship.
- Donate in the collection plate during Sunday Service.
- BECOME A UU CHALICE LIGHTER: In doing so, you are contributing to the greater UU community, while making VIUF eligible for possible grants. It is win-win!